The stoneage remnants in the United Kingdom are impressive. They are all over the place. The biggest of them is of course Stonehenge. The stoneage sites in theUnited Kingdom are more examples of Ancient Civilizations that I visited during my travels.

Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Stoneage Monuments in the United Kingdom

Going Back Time Remnant
Going back in time. This is the remnant of a Broch. These were circular towers, some 20 m (70 ft) high. They had a very small entrance, typically only 1 m (3 ft) high. They were used in Viking times as refuges. When the Vikings came, the villagers scattered their life stock and retreated into the Broch. With the small entrance and the high walls, there was no way to get in for the Vikings. The villagers didn't have a well in the Broch, but the Vikings didn't lay siege on these fortifications. When they couldn't get in, they left for their next victim. (923k)
Sign Description Broch
Sign with the description of a Broch. (1078k)
Further Back Time Stone
Further back in time are the Stone Age remnants of which Scotland is full. Most frequently you see standing stones and cairns, the Stone Age burial mounds. This is a cairn and a standing stone that I just happened to notice. It was not marked at all. There are too many of them to mark them all. This one was in northern Scotland on the west coast, coming out of Ullapool on the way to the north coast of Scotland. (1210k)
Kilmartin Southeastern Scotland Several
This is near Kilmartin in southeastern Scotland. There are several cairns, standing stones and rock carvings in this area. (1218k)
Two Rows Standing Stones
There were two rows of standing stones in this pasture near Kilmartin. (1466k)
Closeup Row 4 Stones
Closeup of the row with 4 stones. (1231k)
Cairn Stone Circle Around
This is a cairn with a stone circle around the center. It is in the same area as the standing stones. (1.6M)
Cairn Partly Overgrown Area
This is a cairn that was partly overgrown. It is in the same area near Kilmarin as the standing stones. You can see the burial chamber. (1233k)
Closeup Burial Chamber Cairn
A closeup of the burial chamber of a cairn in the same area. (1006k)
Stone Carvings Area
Stone carvings in the same area. (1447k)
Balnuaran Clava Culloden East
The Balnuaran of Clava, near Culloden, east of Inverness. This is a group of 3 large cairns with open burial chambers. (1447k)
 Grey Cairns Camster Circular Large Cairn Foreground Long Cairn Background Cairn Foreground About 18 m 59 ft Diameter 6 m 20 ft High Three Burial Chambers Enter Round Cairn Two Long Cairn Long Cairn About 70 m 230 ft Long 4000 - 5000 Years Old!
The Grey Cairns of Camster. There is one circular large cairn in the foreground, and the long cairn in the background. The cairn in the foreground is about 18 m (59 ft) in diameter, 6 m (20 ft) high. There are three burial chambers that you can enter, one in the round cairn, and two in the long cairn. The long cairn is about 70 m (230 ft) long. They are 4000 - 5000 years old! (863k)
Inside Burial Chamber Round
The inside of the burial chamber of the round cairn of the Camster cairns. You have to crawl through the tunnel to get inside. The tunnel is about 1 m (3 ft) high. (888k)
Hill O' Stanes About
The Hill o' Many Stanes about 14 km (9 miles) south of Wick in Caithness, in the Highland area of Scotland. It is not clear what the use of this arrangement was. (1195k)
Castlerigg Stone Circle Ring
The Castlerigg Stone Circle, a ring of standing stones near Keswick in the northern Lake District of England. It is about 30 m (100 ft) in diameter and has a smaller rectangular enclosure inside, visible in the back on the left side. (810k)
Finally Big Kahuna Stone
And finally the Big Kahuna of the stone rings, Stonehenge itself. (1057k)
Close-up View Parts Stonehenge
A close-up view of parts of the Stonehenge circle. (1244k)
Detail View Stones Stonehenge
Detail view of some of the stones of Stonehenge. (992k)
Oldest Part Stonehenge Ditch
The oldest part of Stonehenge is a ditch and earth wall around the central part with the standing stones. (439k)

This page contains 19 pictures

Main page for United Kingdom

Page last updated on Sat Mar 6 16:22:45 2021 (Mountain Standard Time)

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