There are a lot of birds in the forest, but they are difficult to photograph. I did not get as many bird pictures as I was hoping.

Nature pictures of Congo and other bird pages are linked:

Nature in the Congo
Nature Page for Congo
Bird Pages
Bird Pages

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Birds in Congo

Olive Sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea)
Olive Sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea, french: Souimanga olivâtre). (850k)
Yellow-footed Flycatcher (Muscicapa sethsmithi)
Yellow-footed Flycatcher (Muscicapa sethsmithi, french: Gobemouche à pattes jaunes). (825k)
Western Nicator (Nicator chloris)
Western Nicator (Nicator chloris, german: Graukehl-Tropfenvogel, french: Nicator à gorge grise). (1034k)
Rufous Flycatcher-thrush (Stizorhina fraseri)
Rufous Flycatcher-thrush (Stizorhina fraseri). (889k)
Grey-headed Nigrita (Nigrita canicapillus)
Grey-headed Nigrita (Nigrita canicapillus, german: Graunacken­schwärzling, french: Nigrette à calotte grise). (143k)
Orange-cheeked Waxbill (Estrilda melpoda)
Orange-cheeked Waxbill (Estrilda melpoda, german: Orangebäckchen, french: Astrild à joues orange). (1062k)
Fawn-breasted Waxbill (Estrilda paludicola)
Fawn-breasted Waxbill (Estrilda paludicola, german: Sumpfastrild, french: Astrild à poitrine fauve). (820k)
Black-headed Bee-eater (Merops breweri)
Black-headed Bee-eater (Merops breweri, french: Guêpier à tête noire). (594k)
Blue-breasted Bee-eater (Merops variegatus)
Blue-breasted Bee-eater (Merops variegatus, french: Guêpier à collier bleu). (327k)
Blue-breasted Bee-eater (Merops variegatus)
Juvenile Blue-breasted Bee-eater (Merops variegatus, french: Guêpier à collier bleu). (719k)
Lesser Striped Swallow (Cecropis abyssinica)
Lesser Striped Swallow (Cecropis abyssinica, french: Hirondelle striée). (673k)
White-throated Blue Swallow (Hirundo nigrita)
White-throated Blue Swallow (Hirundo nigrita, french: Hirondelle à bavette). (621k)
Village Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus)
Male Village Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus, german: Dorfweber, french: Tisserin gendarme). (944k)
Vieillot's Black Weaver (Ploceus nigerrimus)
Female Vieillot's Black Weaver (Ploceus nigerrimus, german: Mohrenweber, french: Tisserin noir). (489k)
Vieillot's Black Weaver (Ploceus nigerrimus)
Male Vieillot's Black Weaver (Ploceus nigerrimus, german: Mohrenweber, french: Tisserin noir). (545k)
Slender-billed Greenbul (Stelgidillas gracilirostris)
Slender-billed Greenbul (Stelgidillas gracilirostris, french: Bulbul à bec grêle). (898k)
Little Greenbul (Eurillas virens)
Little Greenbul (Eurillas virens, french: Bulbul verdâtre). (767k)
Little Greenbul (Eurillas virens)
Little Greenbul (Eurillas virens, french: Bulbul verdâtre). (731k)
Spotted Greenbul (Ixonotus guttatus)
Spotted Greenbul (Ixonotus guttatus, french: Bulbul tacheté). (816k)
Lowland Sooty Boubou (Laniarius leucorhynchus)
Lowland Sooty Boubou (Laniarius leucorhynchus, german: Schwarzwürger). (889k)
Sooty Chat (Myrmecocichla nigra)
Female Sooty Chat (Myrmecocichla nigra, french: Traquet commandeur). (617k)
Sooty Chat (Myrmecocichla nigra)
Male Sooty Chat (Myrmecocichla nigra, french: Traquet commandeur). (498k)
Yellow-mantled Widowbird (Euplectes macroura)
Yellow-mantled Widowbird (Euplectes macroura, german: Gelbschulterwida, french: Euplecte à dos d'or). (453k)
Red-eyed Puffback (Dryoscopus senegalensis)
Red-eyed Puffback (Dryoscopus senegalensis). (977k)
Yellow-billed Oxpecker (Buphagus africanus)
Yellow-billed Oxpeckers (Buphagus africanus, german: Gelbschnabel-Madenhacker, french: Piquebœuf à bec jaune) on an African Forest Buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus, german: Rotbüffel, french: Buffle nain). (719k)
Yellow-billed Oxpecker (Buphagus africanus)
Yellow-billed Oxpecker (Buphagus africanus, german: Gelbschnabel-Madenhacker, french: Piquebœuf à bec jaune). (740k)
Yellow-throated Longclaw (Macronyx croceus)
Yellow-throated Longclaw (Macronyx croceus, french: Sentinelle à gorge jaune). (953k)
Pipit (Anthus sp.)
Pipit (Anthus sp., german: Pieper:Genus, french: Pipits). (883k)
Long-legged Pipit (Anthus pallidiventris)
Long-legged Pipit (Anthus pallidiventris, french: Pipit à longues pattes). (913k)
Long-legged Pipit (Anthus pallidiventris)
Juvenile Long-legged Pipit (Anthus pallidiventris, french: Pipit à longues pattes). (974k)
Shining-blue Kingfisher (Alcedo quadribrachys)
Shining-blue Kingfisher (Alcedo quadribrachys, german: Schillereisvogel, french: Martin-pêcheur azuré). (805k)
Red-eyed Dove (Streptopelia semitorquata)
Red-eyed Dove (Streptopelia semitorquata, german: Halbmondtaube, french: Tourterelle à collier). (1113k)
African Green Pigeon (Treron calvus)
Tree with a flock of African Green Pigeons (Treron calvus, german: Rotnasen-Grüntaube, french: Colombar à front nu). (567k)
Narina Trogon (Apaloderma narina)
Male Narina Trogon (Apaloderma narina, german: Narinatrogon, french: Trogon narina). (919k)
Congo Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus)
Tree with Congo Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus erithacus, german: Graupapagei, french: Perroquet jaco). (708k)
Congo Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus)
Flock of Congo Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus erithacus, german: Graupapagei, french: Perroquet jaco). (959k)
Congo Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus)
Landing Congo Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus erithacus, german: Graupapagei, french: Perroquet jaco). (855k)
Cranch's Red-necked Francolin (Pternistis afer cranchii)
Cranch's Red-necked Francolin (Pternistis afer cranchii, german: Rotkehlfrankolin, french: Francolin à gorge rouge). (847k)
African Pied Hornbill (Lophoceros fasciatus)
African Pied Hornbill (Lophoceros fasciatus, german: Elstertoko, french: Calao longibande). (229k)
Northern Hadada Ibis (Bostrychia hagedash brevirostris)
Northern Hadada Ibises (Bostrychia hagedash brevirostris, german: Hagedasch, french: Ibis hagedash). (642k)
Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta)
Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta, german: Hammerkopf, french: Ombrette africaine). (983k)
Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta)
Hamerkop taking off (Scopus umbretta, german: Hammerkopf, french: Ombrette africaine). (863k)
Western Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis ibis)
Western Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis ibis, german: Kuhreiher, french: Héron garde-bœufs). (745k)
African Great Egret (Ardea alba melanorhynchos)
African Great Egret (Ardea alba melanorhynchos, german: Silberreiher, french: Grande Aigrette). (1009k)
Palm-nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis)
Palm-nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis, german: Palmgeier, french: Palmiste africain). (1145k)
Palm-nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis)
Juvenile Palm-nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis, german: Palmgeier, french: Palmiste africain). (886k)
Palm-nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis)
Palm-nut Vulture on a termite mound (Gypohierax angolensis, german: Palmgeier, french: Palmiste africain). (456k)
African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)
African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer, german: Schreiseeadler, french: Pygargue vocifer). (600k)
African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)
Immature African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer, german: Schreiseeadler, french: Pygargue vocifer). (483k)
Congo Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus)
Congo Grey Parrots landing and taking off (Psittacus erithacus erithacus, german: Graupapagei, french: Perroquet jaco). (150.6M)

This page contains 49 pictures of 37 bird species and 1 other species and 1 video

Main page for Republic of the Congo

Page last updated on Sat Feb 19 13:49:19 2022 (Mountain Standard Time)

Birds in Republic of the Congo on

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
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