From the Amphipolis entry in Wikipedia:

Amphipolis was an important ancient Greek polis (city), and later a Roman city, whose large remains can still be seen.

Amphipolis was originally a colony of ancient Athens and was the site of the battle between the Spartans and Athenians in 422 BCE. It was later the place where Alexander the Great prepared for campaigns leading to his invasion of Asia in 335 BCE. Alexander's three finest admirals, Nearchus, Androsthenes and Laomedon, resided in Amphipolis. After Alexander's death, his wife Roxana and their son Alexander IV were imprisoned and murdered in 311 BCE.

Excavations in and around the city have revealed important buildings, ancient walls and tombs. The finds are displayed at the archaeological museum of Amphipolis. At the nearby vast Kasta burial mound, an ancient Macedonian tomb has recently been revealed. The Lion of Amphipolis monument nearby is a popular destination for visitors.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Lion Amphipolis 4th-century Bce
The Lion of Amphipolis, a 4th-century BCE tomb sculpture, set up in honor of Laomedon of Mytilene, an important general of Alexander the Great. (1457k)
Marmari Tower 1367 Snow
Marmari Tower from 1367 with the snow covered mountains in the distance. (1146k)
Marmari Tower
Marmari Tower. (1374k)
Tomb Brasidas 422 Bce
Tomb of Brasidas from 422 BCE. (1399k)
Walls Around Brasidas' Tomb
Walls around Brasidas' tomb. (1230k)
Remnants City Wall Amphipolis
Remnants of the city wall of Amphipolis. (1.7M)
Remnants City Wall Amphipolis
Remnants of the city wall of Amphipolis. (1.7M)
Remnants City Wall Amphipolis
Remnants of the city wall of Amphipolis. (1.7M)
Remnants City Wall Amphipolis
Remnants of the city wall of Amphipolis. (1.6M)

Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis

Gold Wreath Tomb Brasidas
Gold wreath from the tomb of Brasidas. (695k)
Female Marble Statue 4th
Female marble statue from 4th century BCE. (684k)
Female Marble Statue 4th
Female marble statue from 4th century BCE. (544k)
Aphrodite Holding Eros Left
Aphrodite holding Eros on her left arm (2nd century BCE). (550k)
Perseus Head Medusa
Perseus with the head of the Medusa. (615k)
Hermaic Stele Head Adolescent
Hermaic stele with the head of an adolescent (2nd to 1st century BCE). (591k)
Close-up Head Stele
Close-up of the head on the stele. (723k)
Head Statue Aphrodite Roman
Head of a statue of Aphrodite, Roman copy of a praxitelian original. (886k)
Head Hermes 2nd 1st
Head of Hermes from 2nd to 1st century BCE. (807k)
Head Sphinx 4th Century
Head of a Sphinx from 4th century BCE. (659k)
Inscribed Column
Inscribed column. (1065k)
Mosaic. (973k)
Red-figured Hydria Colored Representation
Red-figured hydria with colored representation of Amazonomachy (4th century BCE). (643k)
Red-figured Attic Column Krater
Red-figured Attic column krater, showing scenes of the life of a young man. (577k)
Black-figured Column Krater Face
Black-figured column krater, face A: men dancing after a symposium (6th century BCE). (591k)
Black-figured Column Krater Face
Black-figured column krater, face B: two opposing lions. (593k)
Decorated Amphora
Decorated amphora. (563k)
Decorated Vessel
Decorated vessel. (645k)
Decorated Plate
Decorated plate. (780k)

This page contains 28 pictures

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