The Temple in Kom Ombo is another very beautiful temple complex. Like The Temple of Horus of Edfu, it is from Ptolemaic times. It was started by Ptolemaios VI, most of it was completed by Ptolemaios XII. It is located close to the Nile, so part of it was eroded with time, but most has survived. It is very similar in layout to the Temple of Horus of Edfu. However, it was built as a dual temple for the God Sobek and the God Haroeris, a form of Horus. It has most everything twice, the entrance, the Great Court, etc.

In the back of the temple is a narrow path, the Passage of Victory with some huge, impressive reliefs. These were some of the more impressive carvings. One part shows a series of pictures of instruments. Some say they are medical instruments, others dispute that and say they are instruments used in the daily temple routines. The fact that the Eye of Horus is ubiquitous there as well, would give weight to the hypothesis that they are medical instruments.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Temple of Kom Ombo

Dual Entrance Gate Seen
The dual entrance gate seen from the river. (551k)
Dual Entrance Gate
The dual entrance gate. (578k)
Closer View Dual Entrance
Closer view of the dual entrance gate with the Horus Sun Disk over each entrance. (812k)
Ankh Symbol Eternal Life
The Ankh, symbol for eternal life, holding Was Scepters, the symbol for power. (677k)
Painted Ceiling Relief Nekhbet
Painted ceiling relief with Nekhbet, the vulture Goddess, and Wadjet, the Winged Cobra. (758k)
Relief Haroeris Right Holding
Relief of Haroeris (right, holding the Was scepter), Wadjet (center, with the Deshret, the Red Crown of Lower Egypt), Nekhbet (left, with the Hedjet, the White Crown of Upper Egypt), crowning Pharaoh Ptolemaios XII in the Temple of Kom Ombo. (885k)
Carved Columns Outer Hypostyle
Carved columns in the Outer Hypostyle Hall. (870k)
Carved Painted Column Outer
Carved and painted column in the Outer Hypostyle Hall, showing the God Sobek to which half the temple was dedicated. (682k)
Top Columns Carved Painted
Top of one of the columns, with carved and painted figures of the God Horus (left, in Falcon form) and the Goddess Nekhbet (right, in vulture form). (800k)
Beautifully Carved Painted Column
Beautifully carved and painted column, showing the Goddess Isis (far left), Nut (center), and her husband Geb (far right). (649k)
Example Numbers Dates Hieroglyphics
Example of numbers and dates in hieroglyphics. (1169k)
Stone Blocks Held Together
Stone blocks were held together by wedging wood pieces into these cutouts. (1036k)
Wall Painted Reliefs Showing
Wall with painted reliefs, showing the Pharaoh making offerings to various Gods and Goddesses. On the left is the Pharaoh, with the Gods broken off. On the right are from top to bottom the Goddess Hathor, the God Khonsu, and the God Horus. (1040k)
Wall Hieroglyphics Top Left
Wall with hieroglyphics. On the top left is the God Horus (partial on far left), and the God Shu (with the single feather on his head). Below him is the God Ptah. (956k)
Several Gods Receiving Offerings
Several Gods receiving offerings. On the left from top are the Goddess Hathor, the God Atum, and the God Sobek. In the middle are, from top, Horus and his wife Hathor, Haroeris, and Hathor, and the God Hapi (bottom right). On the right are, from top, Sobek, Khonsu, and Sobek again. (1067k)
Eye Horus
The Eye of Horus. (833k)
Four Rows Instruments Say
Four rows of instruments. Some say, they represent medical instruments. (722k)
Ankh Scepter Above Symbols
The Ankh and the Was Scepter above the symbols for the Lotus Flower. (608k)
Beautiful Huge Relief Don't
Beautiful huge relief. I don't know who is represented here. (1166k)
Exceptionally Carved Figure Wall
Another exceptionally carved figure on the same wall. Again I don't know who it represents (I think it is a Pharaoh, probably one of the Ptolemaios Pharaohs). (1165k)
Pharaoh Making Offerings
A Pharaoh making offerings. (1112k)
Winged Goddess Between Apis
A winged Goddess between the Apis Bull on the right and a winged lion on the left. My first thought was that it is Isis, she is often represented like this. But she has a single feather on her head, which is usually a sign of the Goddess Ma'at. (1099k)
Lavishly Carved Wall Haroeris
Lavishly carved wall, with Haroeris at the bottom left and right, and the winged Goddess between them. Above that is the winged Sun Disk of Horus. (1106k)
Wall Lots Hieroglyphics Gods
Another wall with lots of hieroglyphics and Gods. On the upper row are from left Khonsu, Sobek, the Pharaoh, and Nephtys. On the lower tier are from left Haroeris, the Pharaoh, Sobek, and the Pharaoh flanked by two unidentified Gods. (973k)
Lion Breathing Flames
A lion breathing flames. (892k)
Entrance Inner Sanctum Lavish
The entrance to inner sanctum, with lavish carvings. Over the door is the Horus Sun Disk for protection. (765k)
Pharaoh Offering Haroeris Hathor
The Pharaoh offering to Haroeris and Hathor. (864k)
Relief Geb Wearing Pshent
Relief of Geb, wearing the Pshent (center, holding the Was scepter), with his sister/wife Nut (left), and a Pharaoh (right). (863k)
Close-up Exquisitely Carved Goddess
Close-up of an exquisitely carved Goddess (I don't know which one it is). (830k)

This page contains 29 pictures

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Page last updated on Mon Apr 20 10:08:52 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

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