Wildlife in Indonesia was fascinating, especially the Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra), Sumatran Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar vestitus, german: Weißhandgibbon, french: Gibbon à mains blanches), and Komodo Dragons (Varanus komodoensis, german: Komodowaran, french: Dragon de Komodo). I didn't see as much bird life as I would have liked.
The Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra) are a critically endangered species. They are endemic to the north of Sumatra, they are rarer than the Northeast Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio, german: Borneo-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Bornéo). There are less than 7000 individuals left. They eat mostly fruits, but will also eat insects and birds eggs. Males are up to 1.4 m (4.6 ft) tall, and weigh up to 90 kg (200 lb). They rarely get to be 50 years old.
The Komodo Dragons (Varanus komodoensis, german: Komodowaran, french: Dragon de Komodo) are the largest lizards in the world. They also are a critically endangered species. They are endemic to the Komodo Islands. The can be up to 3 m (10 ft) long, and weigh up to 70 kg (150 lb). They live up to 30 years.
Their main food source are Flores Rusa Deer (Rusa timorensis floresiensis, german: Mähnenhirsch, french: Cerf rusa) and wild pigs.
They mate between May and August. In August to September, the females lay on average 20 eggs, usually in abandoned Scrubfowl nests. They guard the nest for a few months, till the rains start and secure the nest. Total incubation is 7-8 months.
Young dragons spend the first few years in trees. While the adults are active, the young ones stay in trees, since the adults are cannibals that eat the young. They come down to forage for food later in the day when the adults rest.
Pictures of birds in Indonesia and other nature pages are separate:
Termite nest on a tree. (815k) Strangely shaped termite nest. (1218k) Bullet ants nest. (1295k) Ants marching on a leaf. (823k) Colorful tree snail (Stylommatophora fam., german: Landlungenschnecken, french: Stylommatophores). (840k) These butterflies were drinking sap from the tree. (888k) Female Black-tipped Archduke butterfly (Lexias dirtea). (860k) Malay Cruiser butterfly (Vindula dejone). (1115k) Butterflies. The smaller ones are Common Bluebottles (Graphium sarpedon, german: Kolibrifalter, french: Voilier bleu). (878k) Archduke butterfly (Lexias aeetes). (695k) Great Eggfly butterfly (Hypolimnas bolina, german: Gewöhnliche Eierfliege). (857k) Five-bar Swordtail butterfly (Graphium antiphates). (802k) Tacua speciosa Cicada (Tacua speciosa). This one was very loud. (568k) Stag Beetle (Odontolabis spectabilis). (977k) Cave Weta (Rhaphidophoridae gen., german: Höhlenschrecken, french: Sauterelles cavernicoles) with extremely long antennae. (923k) Cave Weta (Rhaphidophoridae gen., german: Höhlenschrecken, french: Sauterelles cavernicoles). (750k) Tailless Whip Scorpions (Phrynidae gen.). (794k) Sprite Damselfly (Pseudagrion sp.). (572k) Skimmer (Onychothemis culminicola). (685k) Green Marsh Hawk (Orthetrum sabina, german: Schlanker Blaupfeil, french: Orthétrum en alêne). (798k) Scarlet Skimmer (Crocothemis servilia). (611k) Fiddler Crab (Tubuca sp.). (1010k) Lizard. (622k) Southeast Asian Water Monitor (Varanus salvator macromaculatus, german: Bindenwaran, french: Varan malais). (947k) Togian Water Monitor (Varanus togianus) with fish. (1025k) The cat harassed the water monitor so much that it eventually dropped the fish and fled. (1154k) Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus sp., german: Hufeisennasen, french: Rhinolophe). (859k) Flores Rusa Deer (Rusa timorensis floresiensis, german: Mähnenhirsch, french: Cerf rusa) and Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis, german: Javaneraffe, french: Macaque crabier). (830k) Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis, german: Javaneraffe, french: Macaque crabier). (666k) Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis, german: Javaneraffe, french: Macaque crabier). (664k) Silvered Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus cristatus, german: Silberner Haubenlangur, french: Semnopithèque à coiffe) with baby. (790k) Female Thomas's Langur (Presbytis thomasi, german: Thomas-Langur, french: Semnopithèque de Thomas) with baby. (793k) Male Thomas's Langur (Presbytis thomasi, german: Thomas-Langur, french: Semnopithèque de Thomas). It is endemic to Sumatra. (782k) Close-up of Thomas's Langur (Presbytis thomasi, german: Thomas-Langur, french: Semnopithèque de Thomas). (533k) Moor Macaques (Macaca maura, german: Mohrenmakak, french: Macaque maure) in a tree. They are endemic to the island of Sulawesi. (1274k) Moor Macaque (Macaca maura, german: Mohrenmakak, french: Macaque maure) feeding in a tree. (1036k) Sumatran Elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus, german: Sumatra-Elefant, french: Éléphant de Sumatra). Notice that only the male has tusks. Females have no, or only very short turks. (1287k) Male Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus, german: Sumatra-Elefant, french: Éléphant de Sumatra). (1171k) Male Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus, german: Sumatra-Elefant, french: Éléphant de Sumatra). (1221k) Baby elephants. (848k)
Videos of animals
Singing cicada. (25.5M)
Komodo Dragons
Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis, german: Komodowaran, french: Dragon de Komodo), Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis, german: Javaneraffe, french: Macaque crabier), and Flores Rusa Deer (Rusa timorensis floresiensis, german: Mähnenhirsch, french: Cerf rusa). (1248k) Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis, german: Komodowaran, french: Dragon de Komodo). This one was about 8 ft (2.4 m) long. (1173k) Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis, german: Komodowaran, french: Dragon de Komodo). This one was about 8 ft (2.4 m) long. (1.7M) Walking Komodo Dragon. Note the long forked tongue. (1103k) Female Komodo Dragon, digging a nest. (1361k) Nesting site of a Komodo Dragon. (1.9M) Young Komodo Dragon. While the adults are active, the young ones stay in trees, since the adults are cannibals that eat the young. They come down to forage for food later in the day when the adults rest. (1271k) Close-up of a Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis, german: Komodowaran, french: Dragon de Komodo). (1036k) Close-up of a Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis, german: Komodowaran, french: Dragon de Komodo). (2.1M)
The Sumatran Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar vestitus, german: Weißhandgibbon, french: Gibbon à mains blanches), also known as the Sumatran Lar Gibbon, is a subspecies of the lar gibbon, a primate in the gibbon family Hylobatidae. It is endemic to the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. It shares the tree tops with orangutans, which, like the gibbon, rarely come out of the trees due to predators, such as tigers and possibly sun bears.
Sumatran Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar vestitus, german: Weißhandgibbon, french: Gibbon à mains blanches). It is endemic to Sumatra. (716k) Sumatran Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar vestitus, german: Weißhandgibbon, french: Gibbon à mains blanches) with baby. (1356k)
Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra)
The Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra) is one of the two species of orangutans. It is endemic to the Indonesian island of Sumatra and is rarer than the Northeast Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus morio, german: Borneo-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Bornéo). Its common name is based on two separate local words, "orang" ("people" or "person") and "hutan" ("forest"), and translates as "person of the forest".
Female Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra). It is endemic to Sumatra. (806k) Female Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra) with baby. (809k) Female Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra) with baby. (852k) Baby Orangutan. (895k) Male Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra) swinging in a tree. (1292k) Male Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra) in a tree. (1114k) Male Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra) in a tree. (711k) Male Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra). (822k) Close-up of big male Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra). (598k) Close-up of big male Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii, german: Sumatra-Orang-Utan, french: Orang-outan de Sumatra). (806k)
Flora in Indonesia
Fungus. (1205k) Fungus. (690k) Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica, german: Mimose, french: Sensitive) before I touched it. (770k) Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica, german: Mimose, french: Sensitive) after I touched it. It started to fold up its leaves. (769k) Temple Tree (Plumeria rubra, german: Rote Frangipani, french: Frangipanier rouge). (434k) Golden Trumpet (Allamanda cathartica, german: Goldtrompete, french: Liane à lait). (668k) Bromeliad (Aechmea gamosepala). (612k) Decorative basin with water lilies. (870k) Water lilies. (670k) Hibiscus (Hibiscus sp., german: Hibiskus). (684k) Golden Shrimp Plant flower (Pachystachys lutea). (560k) Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera, german: Indische Lotosblume, french: Lotus sacré). (606k) Rattan (Calamus sp., german: Rattanpalmen). It has vicious thorns. (745k) Bamboo. (1463k) Lianas in the jungle. (1349k) Jungle tree. (1309k) Yellow Trumpet Flower tree (Brugmansia sp., german: Engelstrompeten, french: Trompette des anges). (915k) White Trumpet Flower tree (Brugmansia sp., german: Engelstrompeten, french: Trompette des anges). (902k) Close-up of a Trumpet Flower (Brugmansia sp., german: Engelstrompeten, french: Trompette des anges). (732k) Close-up of a Trumpet Flower (Brugmansia sp., german: Engelstrompeten, french: Trompette des anges). (624k) African Tuliptree (Spathodea campanulata, german: Afrikanischer Tulpenbaum, french: Tulipier du Gabon). (1034k) Sacred Fig (Ficus religiosa, german: Pappel-Feige, french: Figuier des pagodes) at Candi Mendut. (1068k) Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis, german: Banyan-Feige, french: Figuier des banians). (1494k) Mangrove. (1144k) Palms along the Puteh River. (1166k)
This page contains 86 pictures with 41 species and 4 videos